Cilia clip
Cilia cell video. Cilia are thin, hair-like structures that protrude from the surface of certain cells in the body. Tiny molecular motors power cilia, which are made up of microtubules and move in coordinated waves. Many different types of cells, including those in the respiratory system, reproductive system, and brain, have cilia.
In the respiratory system cilia help to move mucus and other substances out of the airways. In the reproductive system cilia in the fallopian tubes help to move eggs towards the uterus. Inside the brain, cilia are involved in the development of the nervous system and in the process of sensation.
There are two types of cilia. Motile cilia which move in coordinated waves and are used for movement and transportation of substances. Non-motile cilia which are used for sensing but do not move.
Click here for more images and clips of cilia.
Cilia clip
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Format: MOV ProRes422
Size: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Product ID: 130476