Mouth Teeth Braces
Mouth Teeth Braces Video. Computer-generated image of teeth in the mouth:.Braces are devices used in orthodontics that align and straighten teeth. While aiming to improve dental health, braces help position teeth with regard to a person's bite. Polymime are one of the UK’s top animation companies offering royalty free medical stock images and medical stock videos. Other services including 3D rending, interactive 3D, vfx and more.
Mouth Teeth Braces
Usage Rights
Usage: All
Region: Worldwide
Duration: Forever
LICENSE | Royalty Free ?
What types of license does Polymime offer?
Polymime offers two types of licesnse models: royalty-free ("RF") and rights-managed ("RM")
Royalty-free content is licensed for world-wide, unlimited, perpetual use.
Rights-managed and rights-ready content is licesned for specific types of use, and pricing is based on factors such as size, placenemnt, duration of use, and geographic distribution.
Contact us for exclusive rights, buyout options, customised alterations or bespoke production tailored to your exact requirements.
Format: MOV ProRes422
Size: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Product ID: 130156